
Thank you for your interest in our Expert Panel

This panel was held live on Tuesday 23 November 2021. 

The recording has been uploaded for your ongoing reference. 

Expert Panelists

Thank you to our expert panelists for their invaluable insights

Professor Andrew McLachlan
Head of School & Dean
The University of Sydney School of Pharmacy
Dr Jameel Al Salman
National Bahrain AMS Committee
Dr Samar Assam Badreddine
Saudi Arabia
Chief Medical & Clinical Division
Dr Soliman Fakeeh Hospital Group
Dr Jon Paul Zee
Hong Kong
Infectious Disease Specialist
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital

This panel is moderated by Mr Michael Giuliano (Executive Director, ACHS International) 

with an introductory welcome from Dr Karen Luxford (Group CEO, ACHS)

Key Topics

Our Expert Panels are designed to bring together professionals from around the globe to discuss important issues impacting patient safety and quality. This panel discusses the following topics.

  • Importance of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS)

  • Challenges in addressing antibiotic usage

  • Approaches to improving AMS

  • Common mistakes when implementing AMS programs

Frequently Asked Questions

Email [email protected] for further queries

  • Will I receive a certificate from this Expert Panel?

    Yes, after watching the Expert Panel and completing the survey, you will receive a Digital Badge containing all the details regarding this panel.

  • How do I learn more about ACHS International courses?

    We encourage you to visit our ACHS International at store.achsi.org for a selection of free and paid webinars, courses, and publications.

  • Does ACHS International offer customised education for my organisation?

    Yes, if you are interested in having one of our webinars or courses delivered to your organisation, please get in touch at [email protected] to discuss your requirements.